Category Archives: Comparison Chart
Need to host one website? No problem! Need to host 20 websites? No Problem! Hosting Direct give you the option to host as many websites you need depending on your hosting account! Wanna become a reseller and offer great hosting to your clients? Hosting Direct also offers great reseller packages to help you keep all of your eggs in one easy-to-manage basket and make a good amount of money in the process!
Unlimited Bandwidth
Hosting Direct wants to offer you the best bang for your buck, and just like our disc space, we want to give you all the bandwidth you need for your website and your emails. We want your visitors to continually come back to your page and check out your site, check out your videos, etc without the worry of going over any bandwidth usage. That being said, there is no bandwidth limits set on our accounts. However, keep in mind that you are on a shared server environment and there are a small percentage of websites (you know who you are!) … Continue Reading
Disc Space
Hosting Direct wants to offer you the best bang for your buck, and give you all the space you need for your website and your emails. With all of the great content management systems available out there, along with streaming video, etc. we know that the average site today is no longer just a couple of megabytes. So for as long as you have your account with us, you will have unlimited disc space. Please, bear in mind that “unlimited disc space” applies to only files necessary for your website and emails for typical business use. An account that is … Continue Reading