Who owns domains registered by HostingDirect?

All domains registered by HostingDirect are owned by our customers. You have full access over your domain and can modify/move the domain away at anytime.

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Kapcsolódó cikkek

What happens if I exceed my allocated bandwidth?

You will receive an automatic e-mail message warning you that you have reached 80% of your...

Do you offer password protected directories?

Yes, using our web-based control panel you can easily protect any directory without having to...

Do I have to have your banner on my site?

Rest assured that all sites that we host are BANNER-FREE. It's your site (you're paying us to...

How long after I sign up can I start building my site?

If your account is automatically approved, your machine user will be created and ready for...

Do you offer Server Side Includes (SSI)?

Server Side Includes (SSI) is enabled on all of our servers. You just need to be sure that you...