Who owns domains registered by HostingDirect?

All domains registered by HostingDirect are owned by our customers. You have full access over your domain and can modify/move the domain away at anytime.

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Do I have to have your banner on my site?

Rest assured that all sites that we host are BANNER-FREE. It's your site (you're paying us to...

What database do you offer?

We use MySQL. We have found that our members prefer MySQL because it is a relatively easy-to-use...

Can I upgrade at any time and how would I upgrade?

Yes, you can upgrade your current package at any time by simply submiting a ticket from...

Can I have Warez, Appz, Serialz and or commercial software on my homepage?

No, if we find them in your directory or links to them, your entire account will be subject to...

Do you offer password protected directories?

Yes, using our web-based control panel you can easily protect any directory without having to...