wget http://oratoronline.com/how2/video_share_modules/source_directory/lame/lame-3.96.1.tar.gz...
Help! TimThumb is not working on my WordPress site!So you're building a website and you want to use TimThumb, but it just doesn't seem to want to...
How To Setup POP Email With Your iOS DeviceTo setup your iPhone or iPad to your Hosting Direct POP3 email account: 1. Tap the Settings icon...
How can I access the CPanel?You can access the cpanel with the following URL: yourdomainname.com/cpanel Once in the CPanel,...
How can I access the billing system? How can I reset my control panel or FTP password ? How to Install FLv2Toolyum install ruby* wget...
How to Install MPLAYER+MENCODERMplayer includes mencoder in the same package. Dependencies: Mplayer has a few dependencies:...
How to Upgrade perlRun the following command. cd /usr/local/src ; wget...
How to create a custom php.ini file. How to install FFmpeg-PHPwget...
How to install eAcceleratorEaccelerator is a PHP accelerator/encoder/caching utility that is based off of the old mmcache...
How to setup Cron JobA sample program to setup a cron job This cron is supposed to delete the spams from your mail...
How to upgrade CpanelLogin to your WHM and follow whm > cPanel/WHM Updates Automatic (STABLE tree) cPanel...
Internal Server Error php.ini and .htaccessWe have enabled suphp mechanism on the server this insures compatibility to php5 and future...
Phishing - Protect your Identity and FinancesPhishing is the name given to an increasingly common type of spam (unsolicited emails) designed...
Protecting Yourself Against Viruses & Data LossIt is vital to ensure your computer is protected from viruses and trojans. As well as installing...